From Costa Rica-based artist “Cheungkinmen” comes “1/6 Special Ops.: Cyke” - his interpretation of the X-Men’s “Scott summers” AKA “CYCLOPS” - to which he describes as;
"This is a personal redesign of the character, combining a few military elements with superhero designs. Cyke is the first of many redesigns I will be making."Limited to 25 sets and will be sold at www.cheungkinmen.com (Price unrevealed at time of post) - where you’ll be able to see MORE images of this amazing custom too!

JOhnny also sculpts for (makers of Jiangshi: Putrefaction and Mininas: LUCY), and you’d do well to stake out his www.facebook.com/johnny.cheungkinmen and instagram.com/cheungkinmen for see more of his work!