Tweets from @BryanSinger with X-Men from "Days of Future Past" - all geared up on 70s fashion, 1973 specifically, it seems. And while I am hesitant to evoke a comparison to "That 70s Show" (hey, there is no Mila Kunis for comparison here, innit? :p), here's a look at "The Beast" (above-left), "Wolverine" (above-right), Professor X (with a head of wild hair / seen below) and "Kitty Pryde" (aka Shoadow Cat - who may or may not be in 70s fashion here tho …) along with a peek at a beard "Iceman".
And yes, it would be so much easier if I just refer to their character names from now on, because there's just too many names to be mentioned, fhanks :)