
EMPIRE's Subscriber Magazine Cover featuring X-Men: Apocalypse

Now that you've seen the nine covers for X-MEN APOCALYPSE, EMPRE debuts their sole "Subscriber Cover", featuring Apocalypse and his four horsemen!

Source: empireonline.com / via superherohype.com


X-Men Apocalypse x EMPIRE Magazine Covers (May 2016 Issues)

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EMPIRE Magazine reveals their 9 x covers dedicated to the Bryan Singer-directed X-MEN APOCALYPSE - featuring Professor X's X-Men versus Apocalypse's Four Horsemen! The May issue of Empire will be on sale March 31st, 2014.

This is not the first time EMPIRE has done such a spread for the X-Men movie - check out their whopping 25 Covers for X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST done back in 2014!

New X-MEN APOCALYPSE Trailer - "It's all of us against a god."

New XMEN-APOCALYPSE trailer shows us a glimpse of Apocalypse's genesis, more Four Horsemen, Magneto in angst, Nightcrawler dapper in a Michael Jackson/"Thriller" red jacket, Quicksilver joins the X-Men, Nightcrawler fight Angel, Beast fights Psylocke, and Havok making a poignant appearance! … "It's all of us against a god."


"DEFEND" or "DESTROY"? New Team Posters Revealed for #XMenApocalypse

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"DEFEND" or "DESTROY"? New posters for "XMEN: APOCALYPSE" sees The "X-Men" with Professor X in "Defend"-mode, while Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen of Apocalypse stands ready to "Destroy".

Professer Xavier (James McAvoy)
Nightcrawler (Kodi Smit-McPhee)
Jean Grey (Sophie Turner)
Cyclops (Tye Sheridan)
Quicksilver (Evan Peters)
Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence)
Beast (Nicholas Hoult)

Psylocke (Olivia Munn)
Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac)
Archangel (Ben Hardy)
Magneto (Michael Fassbender)
Storm (Alexandra Shipp)

Source: IMDb


Trump: Apocalypse (Parody by Max Goodrich)

We sure are giving him tons of coverage with these parodies, aren't we? LOL

Made by Max Goodrich @ vine.co/MaxGoodrich

X-Men vs Donald Trump as Apocalypse. Coming this election year. Full video on my page facebook.com/maxgoodrich

A video posted by Max Goodrich (@maxgoodrich) on

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