@xmenmovieshas been tweeting character profile images for X-Men: Days of Future Past, thus far showcasing both "younger" and "older" versions of "Professor X" and "Magneto", featuring James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart, MichaelFassbender and Ian McKellen respectively!

"#JamesMcAvoy returns as #CharlesXavier,
the man he was before becoming #ProfessorX."

"@SirPatStew is #ProfessorX, founder
of the #XMen and gifted telepath."

"#MichaelFassbender is #Magneto,
a mutant with unparalleled powers."

"Sir @IanMcKellen is the powerful
#Magneto in #XMen: Days of Future Past."
All of whom reminds of this particular fan-made montage of images (
via) from "X-Men: First Class" and "X-Men: Last Stand" and the continuity snafus that await resolution … or not? LOL