they look like some viral/fashion/beer-ads! Angel looks nekkid, afloat in a condom-ad, Jean/Phoenix busts a Madonna music video-move, Wolverine misses his beer he nearly sheds a manly-tear (or maybe he had way too much to drink?), Storm is in heat and does a beam-dance, a bummed-out Beast looks purdy-in-pink and Rogue does a Spice-Girl music video/photoshoot = WTF is going on with this people? (the A&P-folks, i mean ;p) not least the horrendous costumes, seriously. but PINK?
AICN has a Valentine's parody-version. and after that? the laughter ends ... if it'll "take a while for me to warm-up to these poster-images", tis gonna be a long while coming, lemme tell ya! *sigh*