"X-Men: Days of Future Past Blu-ray Featurette - "Quicksilver Scene VFX Breakdown" (2014). ‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’ is released on DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D on October 14, 2014."
X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Featurette - Quicksilver Scene VFX Breakdown
X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Viral Video - "Homo Sapiens Superior"
Viral marketing for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE has begun with this 4:10mins "Homo Sapiens Superior" featuring filmed "interviews" with scientists who mention he word "mutant" / "mutation" and I find my excitement level piques whenever said word is uttered … funnily, not a single footage of a recognizable X-Men or mutant is shown, well, except for "soccer boy" lol
And before even any footage from the movie is shot, two viral websites now exist: Tandem Initiative (of which the above video is "from") and M Underground- a pro-Mutant website:

TANDEM INITIATVE: "HELPING ADVANCE OUR WORLD AS A WHOLE. We’re inspired by not only what the “genetically gifted” can do, but how they do it, which is why the Tandem Initiative’s stated mission is to re-map the human genome in hopes of further understanding the genetic makeup of both Homo Sapiens as well as Homo Sapiens Superior."

M UNDERGROUND: "Our goal is simple: to expose those who wish to create a rift between humans and the genetically gifted. We will not let our world be torn apart with misinformation. The only “mutant threat” is that which threatens mutants. The truth will be heard. It will be heard here."
Custom 1/6 Wolverine "X-Men: Days of Future Past"

WOLVERINE from "X-Men: Days of Future Past" - the "future" version - in 1/6-scaled as customized by Jacob Rahmier (and posted on One Sixth Republic on Facebook). Curiously, we do not see much action figure news on the movies' myriad of characters, whom ironically could simply power an entire toy-line, IMHO … gives credence to the speculated word(s) that the current X-Men movie toys are being "freezed out" of toy-collectors' hands, doesn't it?

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" with Playmobils as X-Mutants

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" poster imagery featuring Playmobils! This image is so much WIN in my book, and would snap these up in a heartbeat, IF they were actual production pieces tho (even if it's only Colossus and The Beast lol) … But then again, I might be a little bit "biased" here … Heh :)
Source: PLAYWORLD / bywayof Amon Lin

ORIGINS: "Apocalypse is a mutant born 5000 years ago in Akkaba, and was abandoned as an infant due to his unnatural appearance of gray skin and blue lips. He was rescued by Baal of the Sandstormers who saw the child's potential power and decided to raise him as his own, naming him En Sabah Nur. Throughout his life, Baal taught Nur survival of the fittest, the philosophy that the tribe lives and dies by. " (Wiki)

"En Sabah Nur" would eventually become the X-Men nemesis known as "APOCALYPSE", and will be the main villain in the next film / sequel to X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, directed by Bryan Singer, known as "X-MEN: APOCALYPSE" (2016). That said, the video below is the End Credits Scene for "X-Men: Days of Future Past", and no doubt is an absolute SPOILER for the full viewing of the film! I'll delve into more of "Apocalypse" in time to come … Meanwhile, *You Have Been Warned*
(Illustration of "Apocalypse" by Salvador Larroca)
"Wolverine Meets Professor X" Clip for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
The "Wolverine Meets Beast" clip preceded this sequence, where Logan travels back in time to look for Professor X, who has since "lost" his powers, and is holed up in the X-Mansion, with Hank McCoy looking out for him? No doubt Cerebro happens next… followed by a visit to Quicksilver … all of which I'd rather not be (an unavoidable) "smart-alec" and enjoy the film and discover it as I view it … Heh.
'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Yahoo! Video Interviews with Hugh Jackman, Peter Dinklage & Fan Bing Bing
SouthEast Asia Junket Video Interviews with Hugh Jackman ("Wolverine"), Peter Dinklage ("Bolivia Trask") and Fan Bing Bing ("Blink") when they were in Singapore for the premiere of X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, thanks to Yahoo!
**BingBing replies in both English and Mandarin/Chinese for her interview (with English subs).
Hugh Jackman, Fan Bing Bing and Peter Dinklage in Singapore for South East Asia Premiere of X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

"Wolverine", "Blink" and "Bolivar Trask" walked the blue carpet here in Singapore tonight at Shaw House, for the South East Asia Premiere of XMEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST - where actors Hugh Jackman, Fan Bing Bing and Peter Dinklage were the special guests! And thanks to YahooSingapore we have images to share, to rub off a wee bit of glamour - "Hollywood" or "mutant" works for me :)
"X-Men: Days of Future Past" premieres in Singapore May 14th, 2014.

Character Profile: "Storm" for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
Personally I feel "STORM" has always been utterly under-utilized in previous X-Men movies … here's hoping she'll pull her weight in X-MEN:DoFP other than just having her eyes turn white and calling down lighting …
Character Profile: "Beast" for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
I am thankful the younger "BEAST" is used here rather than the "WTH-Were-They-Thinking?" casting of Kelsey Grammer in XMen: The Last Stand lol
Character Profile: "Blink" for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
23 Character Posters for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
A total of 23 Character Posters for XMEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST to gawk at your fav mutant and protagonists for the upcoming fetter film. Yes, indeed you have seen them before ala covers for EMPIRE magazine (we're missing both "Rogue" and Bryan Singer's images this round). Would be sweet if they eventually become trading cards tho, IMHO :)

Source: Coming Soon

Source: Coming Soon
"Who Are You?" Clip for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
Said to be the cross-promotional "Easter Egg" scene featuring during/after "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", this clips has "Mystique" battling to save some other mutant lives from being taken over by Striker's team - featuring The Toad and Havok in action too!
"You Abandoned Us All" Clip for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
Charles Xavier and Magneto (the younger versions) sharing heated words on a private jet in mid-air, in front of Logan, while the Best is piloting aid plane. Talk about an "emo ride" here LOL
"Collateral Damage" Clip from X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
"Collateral Damage" Clip from X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST puts the focus on "Mystique" - played by Jennifer Lawrence - which I truly hope they'd put more clothes on her than walking around in a blue skin-suit LOL
Official "Wolverine" Promo Clip #1 for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
The spotlight is on WOLVERINE in his new "clip" - hopefully of a series of character profiles to come tho … although I have to admit, when Hugh Jackman was first cast as the mutant in the first film, I had serious reservations, of the short-stock berserker, now amuck taker than everyone else, and frankly more menacing looking than Sabretooth himself!
Years later right now, I am frankly still uneasy about the fit, but have come to accept whatever my thoughts are, the cinematic die has been cast … and if you realize, one of the characters MARVEL have not tried to reintroduce the cinematic version of into the comicbook universe .. but then again, the XMen-movies are not under the MARVEL banner, innit? Really makes me wonder tho, how MARVEL would've done Wolverine differently in cinema…?
Japanese (International) Trailer for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
The Japanese Trailer for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST shows the adaptive abilities of the Sentinels, harnessing the flames of Sunspot, and I wonder where the "face-blast" came from… and I see no one "complaining" about the lack of "Cyclops" in alla these, least of me ~ lol
TV Spot #2 shows Hank McCoy changing into THE BEAST (YAY!) and finally, a look at THE TOAD (Double-YAY!).
"X-Men: Days of Future Past" Clips from Norton
With the "final trailer" released just, now comes more product promotional videos, this time brought to us by Norton, with a trio of "X-Men: Days of Future Past" clips, featuring scenes from the film (some new images too, quick flashes anyways lol) and behind-th-scenes interviews/soundbites from the cast. Interestingly, Ellen "Kitty Pryde" Page mentioned that the Sentinels were "Mutant Machine Hybrids"? … hhhmmm …
Source: SHH

Hugh, James & Michael Interview on Yahoo!Movies
Actors Hugh Jackman ("Wolverine"), James McAvoy ("Charles Xavier"), and Michael Fassbender ("Magneto") "took part in a 20-minute question and answer session in which they fielded inquiries about the new movie." -reported SlashFilm. Do not expect much reveals but for behind-the-scenes cast shenanigans, and a good time between three guys having a laugh. Heck, I was laughing along with them as I watched it, especially from the second half of the video LOL
And for a suspended moment, they talk about "X-Men: Apocalyse" - the recently announced feature film after "Days of Future Past", and of how Hugh's son Oscar Jackman may have "named the villain"… ;)
Building The Moment: "Magneto's Helmet" Featurette #3 for "X-Men: Days of Future Past"
A behind-the-scenes featurette showcasing Mgneto's helmet, and has Magneto himself in the scene.
Building The Moment: "A Fitting Story" Featurette #2 for "X-Men: Days of Future Past"
A behind-the-scenes featurette showcasing the wardrobe activity specifically for the 70's airport scene, which has Raven/Mystique and Charles Xavier involved.
Official "Alternative Final Trailer" for "X-Men: Days of Future Past"
Hot on the heels of the launch of the 3rd 'official trailer', comes an "Alternate Trailer" featuring slightly different scenes, and overall just as exciting!
Official Trailer 3 for "X-Men: Days of Future Past"
The 3rd official trailer for "X-Men: Days of Future Past" spells out what to expect for the live-action feature film, with the storyline adapted from the graphic novel storyline of the same name. No worries if you missed reading it tho, this trailer will get you on track ~ heh.
As well I really appreciate the new(ly) seen images/sequences, and not just a wholesale rehash of earlier trailers, IMHO.
Source: Topless Robot

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